Journey of Life

the place formerly known as control your destiny

Getting rid of stuff from the past

I have been spending some time clearing out some of my old stuff some of which I didn’t even realise I had! I do have a tendency to do this from time to time but it’s been quite a while since my last clear-out, confirmed by the self sufficient eco system that seemed to have developed under my bed!!

In the past I used keep hold of stuff, whether I felt I needed it or not and stored it wherever I could find room. You just never know when something might come in handy! This all changed between 2004 and 2006 during which time I moved on a far too frequent basis for reasons that is a separate post in itself. It did however teach me a lesson on the hassle of holding on to material possessions purely for the sake of when whatever particular item may come in handy! A time that, in my experience, have yet to materialise.

When I moved to the place immediately prior to where I am now, everything in my possession could fit in my car, which i got rid of before moving to where I am now.

There is a strange sense of freedom (at least for me) in having less around me and having a clear out also gives me a strange sense of relief. It is as if by clearing out physical stuff I am at the same time clearing out clutter in my head (trust me – it can be cluttered at times) and after a clear out I always feel much calmer and and more at ease.

There are of course some items I would not get rid off nor am I on a crusade against material possessions and clutter. I just seem calmer in myself when my home is free from clutter. That said, clutter in itself doesn’t bother me and it does build up around me until I get to a point where I need a clear out.

Sometimes it brings back memories and whilst i sometimes have a tendency to label some memories good and some bad, in the end they are just memories.

During my clear-out I came across a birthday card and the message within felt worth recording;

There comes a time in your life when you realise that if you stand still, you will remain at this point forever. You realise that if you fall and stay down, life will pass you by.

Life’s circumstances are not always what you might wish them to be. The pattern of life does not necessarily go as you plan. Beyond any understanding, you may at times be led in different directions that you never imagined, dreamed, or designed. Yet if you had never put any effort into choosing a path, or tried to carry out your dream, then perhaps you would have no direction at all.

Rather than wondering about or questioning the direction your life has taken, accept the fact that there is a path before you now. Shake off the “whys” and “what ifs,” and rid yourself of confusion. Whatever  was ~ is in the past. Whatever is ~ is what’s important. The past is a brief reflection. The future is yet to be realised. Today is here.

Walk your path one step at a time ~ with courage, faith, and determination. Keep your head  up and cast your dreams to the stars. Soon your steps will become firm, and your footing will be solid again. A path that you never imagined will become the most comfortable direction you could have ever hoped to follow.

Keep your belief in yourself and walk into your new journey. You will find it magnificent, spectacular, and beyond your wildest imaginings.

I will leave you with these words as I am strapping on my “clutter defeating” helmet ready for another round with stuff from the past! Who knows what might surface….

13 responses to “Getting rid of stuff from the past

  1. enreal May 29, 2010 at 1:37 pm

    it feels good… I know… I am a pack rat… I hide and shove things everywhere, thinking I might have use… one day…

    yet over the past year and a half (ever since my last move) I have been cleaning up… I have drawers and closets and boxes and cabinets… all for storage. Now once every couple months I go through all these mini black holes. If I haven’t used what had been forgotten, I either chuck or give whatever away…

    like a detox, cleaning what’s beneath the surface… you may not see it, but you feel it.

    Nice card J

  2. Mysoul May 29, 2010 at 4:27 pm

    I like those words, it makes me want to Stop and Think.

    I am a paper magnet. Paper tends to find me, little post-it notes, a cutting of a quote/recipe/gardening tip, a picture I liked, artwork by the children etc. etc. And l tend to hoard on pencils, pens, paintbrushes, books….I have it under control(at least I like to think so). These are apart from those pesky things which “I might need sometime” that gets put in those Never to see again Safe Places.

    I then read about Feng Shui and it made absolute sense when I read words that meant “Clutter bogs you down mentally and over time Physically”. So, in the past 5 years, I have made it a “Have to get done” job every 6 months to clear out clutter. I agree its very freeing…it also makes room for New things in all areas of life. The elders were right when they said “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” :). When I feel Free, I am God.

    • J June 1, 2010 at 5:09 pm

      Whilst I love writing and doodling on paper, I am not good in that when I note down stuff on scraps of paper I am guaranteed never to see the scrap of paper again…. I think my flat (and my office) may have been invaded by paper eating entities….the invisible ones of course

  3. Viv May 29, 2010 at 8:11 pm

    Human pack rat here,,,,, feeling vaguely guilty and uncomfortable…
    I am envious of your strength…

  4. fibi June 1, 2010 at 11:20 am

    Wow… I really needed to read that today.. Thank you.. Gosh, I’ve missed this community…

  5. Levent June 2, 2010 at 11:57 am

    I can almost never throw (and/or delete) anything away. I fear I’ll own one of those trash houses if I grow old. 🙂

    The disability to clear the clutter seems like the material reflection of living in the memories or not being able to “move on”. So I think I can imagine your “strange sense of freedom”.

    Nice card and post. Thanks.

    • J June 2, 2010 at 7:40 pm

      I do know what it feels like not being able to throw anything away but I am getting rather good at it. That said I often take it to a charity shop rather than throw it away but either way the feeling of clarity and freedom always follows. Thank you for taking the time to drop by and share your thoughts 🙂

  6. Brynn Thomas July 20, 2010 at 1:50 pm

    I wonder if cluttering is genetic? My grandmother did it, the older she got the more she hoarded and now my father is doing it too, and the stuff that get’s hoarded is unbelievably useless. Bottle tops, corks, wrapping paper…..
    I too battle with clutter, and it annoys me a lot. I do a clean out every 6 months, but I think I need to do it more often.
    My sister once told me, ‘If you haven’t used it or thought about it for 6 months, get rid of it.’
    Loved the card….

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